Sunday, June 27, 2010

PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE YEAR! | Loudoun County Photo Club Photographer of the Year, Northern Virginia Family Photographer

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So the other night I attended a Loudoun County Photography Club meeting and was awarded Photographer of the Year! The award is based on performance in competitions over the year, and I am amazed and honored that my photographs did so well!

I joined the Loudoun Club over a year and a half ago, not really knowing a soul, and feeling very out of place ininitially. But my love of photography, and my desire to improve as a photographer saw me through those initial awkward few meetings. And over time, through the field trips, competitions, and speaker series, I started to make friends and enjoy the social aspects of the club as well. I cannot say enough good things about photography clubs.

Well anyway, yesterday at dawn's early light, a group of club members went down to the Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens, a truly beautiful and impressive display of lotus blossoms. My initial thought was, as I was surrounded by so much beauty, that if everyone was required to grow lotus in their back yards we would have world peace! But then I remembered ponds attract mosquitos, etc..., so I suppose world peace would not be guaranteed.

Well anyway, here are some more of my photographs. The lotus are at their peak now, and they close up during the heat of the day, so if you want to see them yourself you will need to get down there one morning in the next week or so.

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To see more, I am going to send you to my flickr stream here.



  1. Congratulations to you! It is inspiring to see hard work and persistence pay such nice dividends! Keep striving and learning.

  2. Thank you Laura! Photography is a wonderful, incredibly fulfilling journey...

  3. Congratulations on the Photographer of the Year Award! The lotus photos are stunning. Angela, you do such amazing work and you should be very proud!
    Talk to you soon,
    Rikki Venne
